- The Republican nominee for Vice-President will be Chris Christie.
- Muslim terrorists will kill several people in a city in Western Europe or the United States.
- Ted Cruz will win the Iowa caucuses.
- Millennials will get very outraged about something for a couple weeks and then get distracted.
- The Democrat nominee for Vice-President will be Julian Castro.
- Hillary Clinton will win Connecticut.
- An LGBT horse will win the Kentucky Derby for the first time ever.
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg will retire from the Supreme Court.
- The Cubs will win the pennant. Maybe the World Series.
- The climate will change. Summer can’t get here fast enough.
- Someone will get offended and be on the news for it.
- North Dakota will run away to Canada and nobody will notice.
- The Summer Olympics will occasionally interrupt coverage of Caitlyn Jenner to show sports.
- Pope Francis will visit the U.S.- Mexican border and everyone will freak right out.
- North Korea will test a Giant Slingshot of Vengeance.
- I like donuts.