Two words Hillary Clinton should use at her morning staff meeting:
“You’re fired!”
Yesterday, Wikileaks released transcripts of an email exchange entitled “Conservative Catholicism” between Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, campaign spokesperson Jennifer Palmieri, and John Halpin, a staffer at the Clinton allied Center for American Progress.
In the email thread Halpin mocks News Corp CEO Rupert Murdoch and Robert Thompson, Managing Editor of Wall Street Journal, for raising their kids Catholic.
Halpin writes about these Catholics: “They must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations and must be totally unaware of Christian democracy…”
Clinton spokesperson Palmieri agreed: “I imagine they think it is the most socially acceptable politically conservative religion. Their rich friends wouldn’t understand if they became evangelicals.”
Halpin replied: “Excellent point. They can throw around ‘Thomistic’ thought and ‘subsidiarity’ and sound sophisticated because no one knows what the hell they’re talking about.”
Aside from their blatant bigotry and ignorance about the philosophy and social teachings of Catholicism, does anyone notice a pattern here?
Hillary has already called half of her opponents’ supporters ‘a basket of deplorables’ and‘irredeemable.’ Now we get a glimpse of what her staff and friends think about Catholics in particular:
They mock Catholic converts.
They ridicule Catholics for raising their kids Catholic.
They call our faith ‘severely backwards.’
Make no mistake, had Clinton staff and allies spoken this way about other groups, they would be dismissed. Just imagine if Clinton’s spokesperson was caught calling prominent Muslims or Jewish converts frauds for embracing their faith and mocking them for doing so because it was socially acceptable.
This morning we called on Jennifer Palmieri to resign immediately from the Clinton campaign.
Let’s shut down their campaign phone lines until Jennifer Palmieri is dismissed or resigns!
Let’s spread the word. Forward this email to your Catholic friends everywhere.
Call Hillary for America Headquarters now and tell them you are disgusted by the anti-Catholic comments made by spokesperson Jennifer Palmieri.
Hillary for America
Brooklyn Office
Tell them she must resign now!