Here is the letter that Donald Trump sent to Click here to see the original letter in PDF form.
Brian Burch
P.O. Box 259837
Madison, WI 53725
October 1, 2016
Mr. Burch,
Thank you for writing me on the critical issue of religious freedom and the growing concerns of Catholic voters. Like you, I understand the many ways this issue impacts millions of Americans, especially those cared for by Catholic hospitals and charities or students educated in successful Catholic schools today. Religious freedom is our First Freedom, and it must be respected.
Our current president has not respected American’s First Amendment rights. Many believe he has declared a war on Catholics. And my opponent promises to be even worse!
I grew up in New York City. I have tremendous respect for the role of the Catholic Church in helping build New York, as well as other cities and communities across the country. Dedicated Catholic priests and religious leaders have built hospitals, schools, churches and charities while Catholic workers helped build our roads and bridges and started countless thriving businesses.
As President, I promise that I will protect the rights of Catholics to live their faith, to serve their communities, and to act on their beliefs without fear. This approach one would think is just common sense. And I don’t care if people call it politically incorrect.
The priorities that the next President will need to establish are not known at this time. Protection of the nation and its citizens must come first. Getting the economy back on track must be near the top of the list. Preserving and protecting the rights of our citizens must also be in the mix. If Congress considers legislation such as the First Amendment Defense Act or the Conscience Protection Act a priority, then I will do all I can to make sure it comes to my desk for signature and enactment.
Very respectfully,
Donald J. Trump